Eleonora Buonocore and Guilia Cardillo
A Chosen Family: Literary Practices of Adoption among Women Writers
in Early Modern Italy
Tuesday, October 24, 2023. 6:00 pm
GR109 ROSENFELD (corner of Grove and Temple, enter on Temple Street)
Link to video:
Wednesday, September 27, 2023 @ 4.00 PM
William L Harkness (WLH 117)
100 Wall St
Link to recording:
Ariosto in the Machine Age reveals how the most influential poet of the Renaissance was conjured or appropriated to shape Magical Realism, avant-garde painting, Fascist...
benvenuti! welcome (back) and a few September “save the dates” as we start the new semester….
Sept. 20th, 4:30: Mary Jo Lubrano, first talk for “Linguistic Futures”...
Sarah Atkinson holds a PhD in Italian Studies from Yale University. Her dissertation, “The Making of Pasolini’s Poetic Cinema,” traces how the poet-novelist-painter-director...