Federica Parodi, Ph.D. Student

Federica Parodi's picture
HQ, 320 York, 5th Floor

Federica is a doctoral student at Yale’s Department of Italian Studies. She received her B.A. in Modern Literature from the University of Turin and her M.A. in Italian Studies, European Literary Cultures, and Linguistics at the University of Bologna with a thesis titled “«Un bisticcio, uno scambio di sillabe». Sulla metrica delle Occasioni”, a metrical analysis of the second collection of poems by Eugenio Montale. Her interests include 20th and 21st-century Italian poetry, sound and voice studies, postcolonial theory, and performance. 

From 2017 to 2019, she worked as Italian Language Assistant at Colby College, where she taught conversation and language courses.

She founded (with Serena Bassi) and organizes Yale Diversity and Italian Studies Working Group, to reflect on the urgent need to reconsider how and what we teach in light of current debates on racism, diversity, and knowledge production in American higher education. 

She is an active translator (Poetry on Stage: The Theatre of the Italian Neo-avant-garde, forthcoming for Bulzoni) and member of the committee that is organizing The Reappearing Pheasant, a gathering of Italian and American poets that will take place in November at Casa Italiana Zerilli Marimò at NYU.

Jane Tylus