Irina Aguiari

Irina Aguiari's picture
Visiting Research Exchange Scholar

Irina Aguiari is a PhD Candidate at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of Scuola Normale Superiore in Florence, Italy. Her dissertation investigates processes of food commoning as collective action among farmers’ communities in Italy. Her academic interests broadly cover the fields of social movements, food and agriculture, qualitative and Participatory Action Research. She holds a BA from Università di Bologna (Italy) and MA from Aalborg Universitet (Denmark). 

Currently visiting at the MacMillan Center for Agrarian Studies Program, and an instructor an elementary Italian course in the Department of Italian Studies. Aside from her SPS affiliation, she indeed has a background in foreign languages and literary studies with several teaching experiences behind. 

My office is a shared office of graduate students at the Agrarian Center in 230 Prospect Street and in the Humanities Quad, HQ521.